Award Categories

Covid Response

The past 12 months rocked our community and economic foundation.  Many organisations took the opportunity to make exceptional changes, which for many allowed their business to remain viable and open to their target audience and for others helped to support the NHS.  We will reward the business that best describes their response to the crisis.
  1. Give a brief description of your organisation, the market you operate in, your customers and purpose.
  2. Explain the key challenges Covid presented to your business and how you overcame them.
  3. Explain your vision for the future and how you will remain sustainable.

Community Initiative

We want to recognise charities, CIC’s, volunteer groups or community groups that are doing great things to support people in their community. Whether you are a small grassroots organisation or a larger charity with a local presence, this award is open to you. We want to hear about what you do, the people and communities you help, the amazing projects you are running and the impact this is having.
  1. Give a brief description of your community initiative, purpose and beneficiary group (up to 200 words)
  2. Describe the challenges your community is facing and how you address that need - describe your project(s) and the impact it is having/ had.
  3. Provide case studies/testimonials to support your nomination

Innovation Award

The winning business will be able to demonstrate their ability to navigate market conditions and be at the forefront of their industry. What ways has your business adapted to change> brought to market a new product or service? Or implemented an innovative process or solution?  
  1. Give a brief description of your innovative product, service, process or solution (up to 100 words).
  2. Explain how your business identified a need for this new product, service, process or solution. Show how you carried out your research and development of the idea.
  3. Provide evidence of how your new innovative idea has benefited your business or helped your customers to create competitive advantage. This can be through increased productivity, cost saving or development of the brand etc.

Apprentice of the Year

With close to a million active Apprenticeships across England alone, apprenticeship schemes have fast become a preferred route to employment for thousands of school leavers. This award recognises an apprentice who has excelled in their training and goes above and beyond for the benefit of both their business and their future career. The apprentice of the year award should be completed by either the apprentice or their employer.  Apprentices will be enrolled on an apprenticeship scheme within the districts of Derbyshire as of March 2020
  1. Judges will be looking for the contribution that the individual has made throughout their apprenticeship showing their commitment and attitude to the role
  2. Entries should show evidence of outstanding achievement through the quality of work carried out and the value they have added to the company through use of initiative.
  3. We would also like to hear about the personal development since taking on their new role and how the scheme has benefited the individual.

Team of the Year

This award recognises teams that have overcome obstacles or have shown an outstanding performance in the last 12 months..  Either a team who usually work together or did so for a special project or task. The judges will be looking for evidence and/or testimonials that demonstrate how successful the team utilised their skills and collaborated with others. 
  1. Give a brief description of your organisation
  2. Give details of the team, the different skills and qualifications within it and why they work so well together
  3. Provide details of the challenge they have overcome in the last 12 months and why they showed outstanding performance in overcoming it.
  4. Provide testimonials that demonstrate how the team successfully utilised their skills and collaborated with others.

Employee of the Year

Open to Employers to put forward an employee who is deserving of recognition. Nominations should reflect the merit and achievements that the employee has demonstrated. 
  1. Provide a brief description of the employee and the organisation.
  2. Provide evidence of the achievements that the employee has demonstrated.
  3. Describe why they should be awarded the Employee of the Year.

Property and Construction Award

Entries open to property and construction businesses of any size.   Judges will be looking for businesses in this sector who can demonstrate effective project management, excellent customer service, environmental awareness and deliver exceptional results.
  1. Give a brief description of your organisation (100 words)
  2. Provide details of the project brief and how your managed it effectively
  3. Explain how you deal with your customers and supply chains and your understanding and processes to manage environmental issues related to your project and the overall impact and results of your project. 
  4. Describe what measures you have taken to ensure your organisation delivers

Excellence in Manufacturing and Engineering Award

This award will be presented to the company that demonstrates a modern, efficient and innovative approach to manufacturing or engineering. 
  1. Explain your business’s commitment to the excellence and development of your products
  2. Tell us about your track record for training and passing on skills to future generations in the industry.
  3. Provide details of the impact on your business if you trade and/or export internationally, how you have adapted to tackle new markets overseas.

Professional Services Award

This award will look at businesses that demonstrate excellence in the professional services sector. Open to organisations of any size. We want to hear about your business and what measures you undertook to continue with your services to the community during the pandemic. There is no definitive list of occupations, but examples include accountants, architect, dentists, engineering, healthcare, law, IT, investment and finance and training
  1. Describe your business and how it stands out from others in the sector.
  2. Provide details of any changes you have made to your services to continue to meet the demands of your clients.
  3. Provide details of how you ensure you get - and hang onto - the right staff and their effectiveness.

Business Leader

This award will recognise the achievements of an individual that had made an outstanding contribution to their business and industry through dedication and hard work. This person can be the owner or one of the senior leadership/management team.
  1. Explain how this person has the company’s ethos at heart
  2. Describe how this person has exceptional drive to succeed and the ability to overcome obstacles
  3. Tell us about how this person has been key to the success of the business

New Business of the Year

Open to all businesses that have been operational for less than 3 years (as of November 2021) Businesses should have been successful in identifying a market gap to launch a new business and be able to showcase how innovation, product development, market knowledge and effective leadership have played a part in their growth to date. We would also like an understanding of plans for future growth.
  1. Describe how your business start-up was achieved
  2. How has innovation, product development, market knowledge or effective leadership played a part in your business success to date?
  3. Provide details of your plans for the business in both the long and the short term, how do you see your business developing?

Small Business of the Year

Open to organisations with 15 or less staff. Judges will be interested in the ethos and background to the business, its profitability and the unique selling points, which make it a success. We would also like to hear the impact made within its sector since trading and how it has overcome any challenges it has encountered.  Judges will also be looking at future projections and plans for the company. 
  1. Please provide the date that the business was established.
  2. Describe your business, market, customers, vision and what differentiates you from your competitors
  3. Demonstrate how the effectively meet the needs of customers
  4. What challenges does your business face and how are you working to overcome them?

Retail Hero (open to public nomination)

The past year has been challenging for our local retailers.   This award is open for the public to nominate their favourite local retailer, big or small. How did you still manage to buy and replenish your wardrobe? Nominate your retail hero.    

Customer Service Award

Over the past year customers have encountered a new way of dealing with businesses, face to face contact has been less and service with a smile has been removed due to face masks. However customer service remains an essential part of any successful business. This award aims to reward and recognise a company, individual, or team, for their outstanding achievement in providing exceptional customer service.
  1. Give a brief overview of your business (100 words)
  2. Show evidence of how your business effectively meets customer’s needs in order to stay ahead of the competition.
  3. Explain how you measure your customer service
  4. Demonstrate how you feel your business provides exceptional customer service

Lifetime Achievement Award

The judges are looking for an individual who has had a major impact on their business and the area over a number of years. If there is someone we should consider for this award, please provide a name and brief overview of their achievements for them to be a contender.

2021 Business of the Year

This award is the ultimate accolade for all our entrants and the winner will be chosen from each of the category winners. The judges will be looking for the company/person who has shown the most enterprise, passion and drive in taking their business forward. Dedication and innovation will be key to the winner of this most prestigious award.